Tiling Connect
Tiling Connect is a podcast designed to share relevant technical information to enhance the quality of tiling in Australia, New Zealand and worldwide.
My mission is to assist tilers, builders, tile or tool shops and consumers by connecting them with the best industry knowledge to achieve excellent quality and profitable tile projects. I will discuss tile installation methods, tools, equipment, and materials selection, how to achieve quality outcomes for your business, and everything related to tiling.
We are strengthening the business of tiling!
Tiling Connect
#48 Achieving Tiling Excellence through the WorldSkills Program
In this episode, we are grateful to have spoken with Trevor Schwenke, CEO of WorldSkills Australia, Liam Cochrane of Construction Training Fund (WorldSkills Australia Volunteer) and Jacob Dixon, National Australian Champion for Tiling.
WorldSkills has enabled young people to showcase their trade skills and talents since 1981.
Their skills-based competitions operate at regional, national, and international levels and are aligned to National Training Packages, Apprenticeships Australia, and Jobs Australia Schemes. They promote and build a skills culture, celebrate excellence and showcase vocational education and training.
I trust you’ll enjoy listening to and watching this episode as much as I enjoyed learning more about WorldSkills and speaking with Trevor, Liam and Jacob, especially as they recently embarked on a trip to Lyon in France to compete on the world stage. Go, the Skillaroos!
If you want to connect with our guests, here are their details:
Website: https://www.worldskills.org.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/worldskillsau/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorldSkillsAU
Notable Mentions:
Liam Cochran: https://ctf.wa.gov.au/
Jacob Dixon: https://www.facebook.com/NextLevelTileandStone/
If you'd like to be a part of the show or have any feedback, contact us at: tilingconnect@gmail.com
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